The project for 403 Greenwich Street may finally become a reality

The project for 403 Greenwich Street may finally become a reality

By: Scott Henson

Nikolai Fedak reports for NY YIMBY: New Look: 403 Greenwich Street.

the project for 403 greenwich street may finally become a reality

YIMBY has a new set of renderings for the long-stalled project at 403 Greenwich Street, in Tribeca, where Morris Adjmi has designed an 8-story building. A tipster also notes that development of the site is finally about to begin, and the project has been sitting dormant since it went through the Landmarks Preservation Commission, back in 2011.

The building is characterized by large casement windows and a black metal façade, and the overall look will be contextual within the project’s historic surrounds, offering a restrained exercise in refined simplicity.

Permits indicate the structure will span 16,723 square feet, and the entirety will be residential, split between five units. While the building is relatively small, the (likely) condominiums will most assuredly be very large, with a triplex capping the project.


403 Greenwich was initially the site of a proposal for an all-glass-brick building, which would have been the first of its kind. While innovative, the scheme proved controversial as it traversed Landmarks, and the site’s eventuality will be a better fit.

No completion date has been formally announced, but as mentioned, construction is likely around the corner. Permits list the developer as Anthony Coll of 403 Greenwich Street Realty LLC.


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