Deadline approaching for LL97 Compliance Reports

Building owners seeking to apply for an extension to submit LL97 Compliance Reports MUST HIRE A REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL (OR RETRO-COMMISSIONING AGENT FOR ARTICLE 321 BUILDINGS) BY FEBRUARY 1, 2025.
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LL97 compliance reports are due on May 1, 2025, and the law allows for a 60-day grace period to file these reports. For Article 320 buildings required to submit an annual emissions report, failing to file by June 30 will result in a monthly penalty of $.50 x the square footage of the building. For a 25,000 square foot building, this means a $12,500 monthly penalty for each month following May 1 that the report has not been filed. At the close of the 60-day grace period, a 25,000 square foot building will already be subject to a $25,000 penalty.

A building owner can apply to extend the reporting deadline to August 29, 2025, in the event the owner’s registered design professional (RDP, for Article 320 buildings) or retro-commissioning agent (RCx agent, for Article 321 buildings) could not complete the report by June 30.

To qualify for this extension, the owner must provide the following:

  1. A contract between the owner and the RDP or RCx agent that is executed no later than February 1, 2025; and
  2. An affidavit signed by the owner and the RDP or RCx agent stating that such professional was unable to complete the report on time and that the report will be completed and filed within 120 days of the May 1, 2025 deadline.

Buildings working to meet Article 320 emissions requirements can find more information using the following links: law , rule  and information guide .

Article 321 buildings (affordable housing and houses of worship) working to complete Prescriptive Energy Conservation Measures (PECMs) can find more information using the following links: law, rule , and filing guide. (Article 321 buildings showing compliance with the 2030 emissions limits in 2024 should also refer to the Article 320 resources flagged above).

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