Full-Service Architectural

A Full-Service Architectural Firm Has What It Takes To Restore Your Buildings

By: Scott Henson

The nature of a full-service architectural firm is that the firm makes it their purpose to serve and guide every client from the start of the architectural process to the final conclusion of the construction.

Within each phase of the architectural design process, including schematic design, design development, construction documents, bidding, and contract administration, certain goals will need to be met in order to reach project completion. The innovative process takes place between the client and the architect, including the builders, engineers, and anyone else who has a part to play in the project being a success.

In order for this to be a dynamic process, there should be open communication and open feedback between all team members. There should also be technical and design experts who can contribute to the success of the project. In many ways, the role of an architect can be compared to a conductor because the architect is the one who ensures everything is in place in order to create a masterpiece.

As a full-service architectural firm, we are here to represent you in the process of design and construction:

  • We will help you make the right decisions and address any problems that may arise.
  • We will make routine inspections and be on site to observe the construction and design progress.
  • We will also answer any questions you or the contractor may have before, during, and after construction.

We want you to be able to navigate through the process of design and construction as easily as possible, and we believe that our full-service architectural firm has what it takes to repair, preserve, and restore your building.

Contact Scott Henson Architect for more information.

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