2011 AIA New York State Design Award Winner!

By: Scott Henson

We are proud to announce our project “648 Broadway, New York, New York” was selected for a 2011 AIA New York State Design Award for Historic Preservation. We will be recognized during the President’s Dinner and Design Awards Presentation on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at the Tri-State Convention in Atlantic City, NJ.


2011 AIANYS Design Award Jury Meetsda jury

The 2011 AIANYS Design Award jury met June 8-9 at the 74 State Hotel in Albany to review the Design Award portfolios and choose the recipients. The Design Awards will be presented during the convention at the AIANYS Dinner and Design Awards Presentation on Wednesday, September 21 at Bally’s. The names of all of the Design Award recipients are below. We would like to thank all of the jury members for their time and hard work.

Pictured (left to right): Robert Shibley, FAIA, Dean, School of Architecture and Planning, University at Buffalo; Robert M. Noblett, AIA, Partner, Benisch Arkitekten, Boston, MA; Michael Ryan, AIA, Michael Ryan Architects, Loveladies, NJ; Elizabeth Egbert, President & CEO, Staten Island Museum, Staten Island, NY (Public Member) and David Mark Riz, AIA, Principal, KieranTimberlake, Philadelphia, PA (Jury Chair).

2011 AIANYS Design Award Recipients      AIANYS is pleased to announce the 2011 Design Award recipients. They will all be recognized during the President’s Dinner and Design Awards Presentation on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at Bally’s in Atlantic City, NJ. There are three levels of awards: Award of Excellence, Award of Merit and Citation for Design. A “Best in New York State” Award has also been awarded. The recipient of that award will be revealed at the Design Awards Presentation.

The design categories are: Adaptive Reuse; Commercial/Industrial, Large Projects and Small Projects; Historic Preservation; Institutional; Interiors; International; Residential, Large Projects and Small Projects; Unbuilt and Urban Planning/Design. A four-color Design Awards book featuring photos, narratives and jury comments of all of the award-winning projects will be sent out to all AIANYS members in the Fall after the convention.

Congratulations to all of the recipients! ADAPTIVE REUSE Awards of Merit: El Museo Del Barrio, New York, New York, Gruzen Samton Architects, LLP, New York, New York Orchestra of St. Luke’s DiMenna Center, New York, New York, H3 Hardy Collaboration Architecture, New York, New York Wyckoff Exchange, Brooklyn, New York, Andre Kikoski Architect, PLLC, New York, New York Citation for Design: East Hampton Town Hall, East Hampton, New York, Robert A.M. Stern Architects, LLP, New York, New York

COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL-LARGE PROJECTS  Awards of Merit: The Bridge, Bridgehampton, New York, Roger Ferris + Partners, Westport, Connecticut Comcast Center, Philadelphia, Pensylvania, Robert A.M. Stern Architects, LLP New York, New York, Kendall/Heaton Associates, Inc., Houston, Texas, Associate Architect Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, Brooklyn, New York, Ennead Architects, New York, New York, Design Architect, Greeley-Hansen, New York, New York, Architects/Engineers of Record, Hazen & Sawyer, New York, New York, Architects/Engineers of Record, Malcolm Pirnie, White Plains, New York, Architects/Engineers of Record

COMMERCIAl/INDUSTRIAL-SMALL PROJECTS  Award of Excellence: Marc Jacobs Flagship Building, Tokyo, Japan, Jaklitsch/ Gardner Architects PC, New York, New York, Creative Designers International Tokyo, Japan, Architect of Record-Building Shell, D. Brain Co., LTD, Tokyo, Japan, Architect of Record-Interiors

HISTORIC PRESERVATION Award of Excellence: Thomas Edison National Historical Park, West Orange, New Jersey, Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners, New York, New York Citations for Design: 648 Broadway, New York, New York, Scott Henson Architect LLC, New York, New York New York Public Library, Exterior Restoration, New York, New York, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc., New York, New York

INSTITUTIONAL Award of Excellence: Cornell Plantations Welcome Center, Ithaca, New York, Baird Sampson Neuert Architects, Toronto, Canada Awards of Merit: New York City Fire Department, Bronx, New York, Ennead Architects, New York, New York The Stephen Sondheim Theatre, New York, New York, Cook + Fox Architects, LLP New York, New York, Adamson Associates Architects, New York, New York, Executive Architect Citations for Design: Union County Juvenile Detention Center, Linden, New Jersey, Ricci Greene Associates, New York, New York United States Land Port of Entry, Calais, Maine, Robert Siegel Architects, New York, New York   

INTERIORS Award of Excellence: Inverted Warehouse/Townhouse, New York, New York, Dean/Wolf Architects, New York, New York Award of Merit: Grey Group, New York, New York, STUDIOS Architecture, New York, New York Citation for Design: Infinity Chapel, New York, New York, Hanrahan Meyers Architects, LLP, New York, New York

INTERNATIONAL Award of Excellence: Taichung InfoBox, Taichung, Taiwan, Stan Allen Architect Brooklyn, New York, W.B. Huang Architects & Planners, Taichung City, Taiwan, Associate Architect

RESIDENTIAL-LARGE PROJECTS Award of Merit: The Schermerhorn, Common Ground Community, Brooklyn, New York, Ennead Architects, New York, New York Citation for Design: William Beaver House, New York, New York, Tsao & McKown Architects, New York, New York, Design Architect, SLCE Architects, New York, New York, Architect of Record

RESIDENTIAL-SMALL PROJECTS Award of Merit: House for “Locavore” Farmers, Geyserville, California, Cooper Joseph Studio, New York, New York, Richardson Architects, Mill Valley, California, Associate Architect UNBUILT Citations for Design: Bike Hanger, (location unavailable), Jeeyong An, AIA, Manifesto Architecture PC, New York, New York St. Ann’s Warehouse, Brooklyn, New York, Geoff Lynch, AIA, H3 Hardy Collaboration Architecture, New York, New York

URBAN PLANNING DESIGN Award of Excellence: SandRidge Commons, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Rogers Marvel Architects, New York, New York Award of Merit: Zipper Park Bench System,New York, New York, WXY architecture + urban design, New York, New York Citation for Design: MTA Flood Mitigation, Queens, New York, Rogers Marvel Architects, New York, New York, Di Domenico + Partners, Long Island City, New York


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