a group of tall buildings towering over a city

Choose a Full-Service Architectural Firm with Innovative Solutions

By: Scott Henson

The problems facing the architecture of a vibrant and ever-changing city like New York require inventive and reliable solutions. Scott Henson Architect is a full service architectural firm that understands each project requires its own unique approach. Their team is dedicated to addressing the issues their clients face while preserving the character of a building. Utilizing a wide knowledge base, established building methods, and advanced technology, Scott Henson Architect is an architectural firm suited to address the unique needs of both new and historic architecture.

Buildings in high-density, urban landscapes are both aesthetic and functional fixtures of their environment. Preservation and adaptive re-use, both of which Scott Henson Architect specializes in, are key strategies for creating sound solutions for problems facing the built environment. The firm is a strong proponent of renewable and sustainable building practices in their approach to meeting their client’s needs and understands that each project is a substantial investment that requires great care and creativity to achieve its desired outcome. Every building has its own unique character deserving of a personalized and skilled approach.

Urban environments offer many opportunities to recognize innovative architecture while adopting new and practical uses for existing structures. This dynamic is a rare charm that makes New York City so special. Bringing architecture to its full potential in a large metropolis demands an understanding of the full spectrum of possible problems, as well as the best solutions. To learn more contact us.

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