Ajdmi’s Cast-Iron ‘Inversion’ at 83 Walker Shows Signs of Life

By: Scott Henson

Hana R. Alberts reports for Curbed.

Tribeca Citizen has spotted the rendering of Morris Adjmi’s cast-iron inversion design posted on the construction plywood at 83 Walker Street. The design was unveiled back in 2011, but the site has appeared to be pretty much stalled since then. Its design, by the way, is unique because ” Instead of columns curving out from the building, they are indented into it. The windows, typically recessed, jut out from façade.”

The nine-story condo (which will have nine units, according to DOB permits) got a thumbs up from the Landmarks Preservation Commission over two years ago, and construction was slated to begin nine months from then. Well, that didn’t happen, but maybe the posting of the rendering means more action is on the way. We’ve reached out to Adjmi’s reps for more information on the project.

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